Clothing and Apparel



Some have found that pajamas with snaps are more accommodating for little ones
with feedings tubes and other cords than those with zippers. However, once the
child has grown past the 12M size, these can be hard to find. Magnificent Baby sells
jammies with magnetic closures that are not only more convenient than snaps but
also run in larger sizes.


Custom covers for central lines,
ostomy pouches, feeding tubes, & more!


The Hollister Pouchkins Ostomy Belt has been recommended to
help kids wear their ostomy bag longer and more securely.


Tubie Whoobies have been recommended by people of all ages.
As their website states, "they look cool, they help soak up leakage to protect
clothes, and they have been reported to help and in some cases completely eliminate granulation tissue."

screen-shot-2016-10-31-at-2-58-18-pmThe Foley Catheter Holder was recommended because it is an easy to use holder that securely anchors the catheter in place and is much more gentle on the skin than tape.


Like Magnificent Baby, Luca Charles offers snap jammies in larger sizes. You can call CiCe at 213-955-4516 to special order them in any size you need.

At Think King they are always thinking. Thinking about products that make everyday chores a little easier and give you more time to focus on your little ones. Their goal is to find ways to give parents an extra hand to make their day go more smoothly.


Multiple MMIHS families have recommended the use of sleep sacks. They zip from the top down, are warm and very helpful for keeping cords together and out of the reach of little ones. There are many different brands but Halo is one of the most popular!


Burt's Bees makes some great camisole bodysuits that can be easily worn under any outfit to keep things like ostomy bags in place.

Abilitee Adaptive Wear provides adaptive clothing and accessories for families with medical needs.